To browse Academia. Gjuro Adam Büttner was German by descent and a priest by vocation. He served as a priest in Zemun from toas the first diocesan priest after the liberation from the Turks. As far as it can be determined, nobody has previously worked on them. Manuscript materials of this kind and size can be considered a real rarity in Croatian terms. Sheikh Yuyo, by the manuscripts of his works preserved up to now, can be classed among the best-known scholars from Bosnia and Herzegovina that composed their writings in the oriental languages Arabic, Turkish, Persian during the Turkish Empire. His works from different fields of Science make him belong to the scholars well known in the whole Empire in the second part of 17th and at the beginning of 18th century. The greater number of his works, written mostly in the Arbic language, are being kept in Gazi Husref Bey Library in Sarajevo. The more so since some of his manuscripts are available only this library. Nezane-marljiv doprinos razvoju i rastu te svekolike civili-zacijske riznice, k Chronicler Hadid, in verses and in detail described even the wounding of Hercegovic, his captivity Los Molinos Gran Canaria Nutten his liberation, and then his successful career. Apart being an army commander and high government official, Ahmed-pasha was known also as a legator waqif. His waqfname which is kept in America give us many details about the organization of his waqfs in the village Hersek and in Kesan. The shrine of the great vezir Ahmed-pasha Hercegovic is, unfortunately still in ruins. In this work we want to point out on the fact that the Great vezir Ahmed-pasha, son of Herceg Stjepan Kosaca, was a poet. Some of the verses from his poem kaside devoted to Sultan Selim Javuz were given. Le agiografie di Girolamo risalgono agli stessi inizi del monachesimo cristiano e nel Medioevo facevano parte costitutiva delle raccolte agiografiche popolari di Vitae Patrum. Orlando, A. Ciurla, S. Rocca, R. Orlando, Saggi sulla chiesa di Santa Maria della Strada di Taurisano, The Cultural Manifestations of Religious Experience. Studies in Honour of Boyo G. Ägypten und Altes Testament Zenodo CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research The Fertile Earth and the Ordered Crescent: Reflections on the Newark Earthworks and World Heritage, Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Need an account? Click here to sign up. See full PDF download Download PDF. Sanja Holjevac. Los Molinos Gran Canaria Nutten works of Sheikh Jujo in Gazi Huserv-bey's library Mustafa Jahic. O bibliografiji u »Vjesniku za arheologiju i historiju dalmatinsku« Ivo Goldstein. Za nakladnika Prof. Tiskanje ove knjige potpomognuto je sredstvima Ministarstva znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta Republike Hrvatske. Zahvaljujem prof. Posebnu zahvalu dugujem prof. U Zagrebu, listopada Büttner u Zemunu Büttnerova veza s Meninskim Büttnerova veza s Holdermannom Büttnerova veza s Molinom Transkribirani tekstovi — povijest i perspektive
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