Official websites use. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Address correspondence to Jermaine D. Jones, Ph. Synthetic cannabinoids, commonly known as K2 or Spice, have emerged as a recreational drug and an inexpensive alternative to cannabis 1. However, naloxone, a drug used to treat opioid overdose, might prove beneficial 23. Naloxone is a nonselective opioid antagonist increasingly used by medical personnel and laypersons to reverse overdose due to the use of opioid analgesics and heroin 4. Why might an opioid receptor antagonist affect a drug that acts on the cannabinoid receptor? Studies show that opioid and cannabinoid receptors are colocalized in multiple brain regions where they may exist as heterodimeric systems. Both receptors also have cross-modulatory pharmacologic effects, including cross-agonism, -antagonism, -sensitization, and -tolerance 56. Accordingly, several studies suggest that opioid receptor antagonists might counter the effects of cannabinoid agonists 27. In Aprilsynthetic cannabinoid-related emergency department visits increased dramatically in New York City. In response, the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene conducted a public health investigation to gain a better understanding of the circumstances, presenting symptoms, and severity of synthetic cannabinoid overdose. Twenty-seven medical charts were identified from citywide emergency department records and reviewed; 15 met the eligibility criteria for inclusion: patient was admitted to the hospital April 10—20,and synthetic cannabinoid use was documented in the medical record. The medical chart review identified four cases with documentation of improved symptomology after the administration of naloxone Table 1. These four cases were of particular interest because there was no evidence of recent opioid use either by self-report or in drug toxicology that would account for symptom improvement after naloxone administration. AMA, against medical advice; B, black; BAC, blood alcohol content; BP, blood pressure; ED, emergency department; EMS, emergency medical services; F, female; HR, heart rate; Hx, history; M, male; NR, not reported; RR, respiratory rate; Sat, saturation; SCZD, schizophrenia; SynCan, synthetic cannabinoid; W, white. Sex On Kratom Reddit New York City, first responders have been trained to administer naloxone in instances of suspected opioid use or respiratory depression. Although these cases tentatively suggest that the administration of naloxone led to symptom improvement, this conclusion should be made with caution. In each of these cases a number of treatment interventions may have been used aiding in resolution of adverse symptoms. In addition, little is known about the time course of synthetic cannabinoid overdose, and symptoms may have improved without medical intervention. Finally, in two of the four cases there is evidence of alcohol use. Opioid antagonists also block alcohol-mediated effects, which may account for some degree of symptom improvement 8. Another interesting finding from these cases is the shared clinical presentation of synthetic cannabinoid overdose to opioid overdose 9. The co-occurrence of symptoms such as loss of alertness, unconsciousness, and decreased respiratory measures may further demonstrate the interrelatedness of endogenous opioid and cannabinoid systems and may add credibility to the potential utility of naloxone in cases of synthetic cannabinoid overdose. Again, we stress caution in drawing conclusions from only four cases. In addition, because synthetic cannabinoids include hundreds of different chemical compounds, their chemical composition and resultant neuropharmacology is varied. Therefore, the efficacy of naloxone to improve symptoms after synthetic cannabinoid use may vary depending on the exact synthetic cannabinoid compound s involved. Despite these limitations, these case Sex On Kratom Reddit provide a basis to initiate further investigation into how clinicians might address the adverse health consequences of a class of drugs with no presently known antidote. This study was supported by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and the National Institute on Drug Abuse Grant No. All other authors report no biomedical financial interests or potential conflicts of interest. Search PMC Full-Text Archive Search in PMC Advanced Search Journal List User Guide. PERMALINK Copy. As a library, NLM provides access to scientific literature. Inclusion in an NLM database does not imply endorsement of, or agreement with, the contents by NLM or the National Institutes of Health. Learn more: PMC Disclaimer PMC Copyright Notice. Biol Psychiatry. Published in final edited form as: Biol Psychiatry. Can Naloxone Be Used to Treat Synthetic Cannabinoid Overdose? Find articles by Jermaine D Jones. Find articles by Michelle L Nolan. Find articles by Roshni Daver. Find articles by Sandra D Comer.
Add to an existing collection. Die Beraterinnen und Berater sind Fachleute z. Lethargy, intoxication, nonresponsiveness to verbal stimuli, rapid breathing, tachycardia, loss of consciousness. Add Cancel. Oder auch eine stationäre Behandlung.
Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa)
Sicht von Fachleuten (Carina Rußmann und Bernd Werse). Expertinnen- und Experten-Panel – Drogenkonsum in Frankfurt aus der. Die Social Phobia Scale (SPS) bezieht sich auf Angst in Situationen, in denen eine Handlung der Beobachtung durch andere ausgesetzt ist oder sein könnte, wie. Kratom Wirkstoffe und Ihre Wirkung Kratom enthält rund 40 Alkaloide, denen die psychoaktive sowie die medizinische Wirkung zugeschrieben wird. Suchtberatungsstellen beraten bei Suchtproblemen mit Suchtstoffen wie Alkohol, Nikotin oder illegalen Drogen oder bei süchtigen Verhaltensweisen (z.B. 2.Buchstabe P. Mitarbeitende der Suchtberatung vermitteln bei Bedarf in ambulante oder stationäre Therapien. Sie enden mit der Nachsorge. Die Beratungsstelle ist die erste Anlaufstelle und der Dreh- und Angelpunkt der Suchthilfe. Find articles by Jermaine D Jones. Opioid antagonists also block alcohol-mediated effects, which may account for some degree of symptom improvement 8. Buchstabe B. Wenn nötig, werden weitere Termine vereinbart, um zu besprechen, welche Behandlung sinnvoll ist. Buchstabe S. Buchstabe C. Dafür wird die Suchtberatungsstelle eine Selbsthilfegruppe vorschlagen und Adressen nennen. In Malaysia wird Kratom daher auch als Opiumersatz benutzt. Suchbegriff Suchen. Zum Hauptinhalt springen. Biol Psychiatry. Search PMC Full-Text Archive Search in PMC Advanced Search Journal List User Guide. Create a new collection. Kratom untersteht in Deutschland derzeit nicht dem Betäubungsmittelgesetz. Learn more: PMC Disclaimer PMC Copyright Notice. Berichtet wird, dass Kratom die Aufmerksamkeit, das Arbeitsvermögen und die Geselligkeit erhöht, manchmal auch die sexuelle Begierde. Postleitzahl oder Ort. However, naloxone, a drug used to treat opioid overdose, might prove beneficial 2 , 3. Another interesting finding from these cases is the shared clinical presentation of synthetic cannabinoid overdose to opioid overdose 9. Der 4 bis zu 16 m hohe tropische Baum Mitragyna speciosa wurde im Choose a collection Unable to load your collection due to an error Please try again. Diese Fachleute haben schon viele Menschen mit Abhängigkeiten beraten und kennen die Hilfen von A bis Z. Buchstabe R. In New York City, first responders have been trained to administer naloxone in instances of suspected opioid use or respiratory depression. In addition, because synthetic cannabinoids include hundreds of different chemical compounds, their chemical composition and resultant neuropharmacology is varied. Dauerhafter Konsum von Kratom kann daher eine körperliche Abhängigkeit nach sich ziehen, die bei Abstinenz mit Entzugserscheinungen verbunden ist. Buchstabe Z.